
Adams, AdopheO Holy Night (arr. Dudley Buck, adapted Richard Bannan)
Aleotti, VittoriaThree Madrigals from Ghirlandia
Allwood, RalphWe three Kings (arr.)
Andrew, KerryO lux Beata Trinitas
AnonDindirin, dindirin (1500)
Tourdion (1530)
Rejoice in the Lord alway
Arcadelt, JacquesIl bianco e dolce cigno
ArchShe Moved Through the Fair (arr.)
Bach, J. S.
Comfort, Comfort ye My People (arr. Bannan, Richard)
Jauchzet, frohlocket
Jauchzet Gott
Jesu Meine Freude
O Jesu Christ, mein lebens licht
O Jesulein sĂŒss
Mass in B minor
SchmĂŒcke dich, O liebe Seele (chorale prelude)
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied
Sleepers Awake
St. John Passion
St. Matthew Passion
Bannan, NicholasTwas the Night before Christmas
Bannan, RichardAmerican Christmas Medley (arr. various)
This little light of mine (arr.)
Barber, SamuelSure on this Shining Night
Twelfth Night
Bartlet, JohnOf all the birds that I know now
Bateson, ThomasOriane’s farewell
Hark hear you not?
Berlioz, HectorL’adieu des bergers (The shepherds’ farewell)
Thou must leave thy lowly dwelling
Biebl, FranzAve Maria
Beach, AmyThrough the house give glimmering light
Three choral responses
Bennet, JohnAll creatures now
Blow, John Salvator Mundi
Let thy hand be strengthened
BlytonThe silly flea
Boulanger, LiliPour les funĂ©railles d’un soldat
Brahms, JohannesEin Deutsches Requiem
Gaudeamus igitur
Geistliches Lied
Guten Abend
How lovely are they dwellings
Vier Quartette, Op 92
Warum ist das Licht gegeben
Bridge, FrankThe Bee
Briggs, KerensaA Tender Shoot
St Peter
Britten, BenjaminA Ceremony of Carols
A Shepherd’s Carol
Begone, dull care!
Christ’s Nativit: Sweet was the Song; New Prince, New Pomp
Five flower songs
From the Bavarian Highlands
Hymn to St Peter
Hymn to the Virgin
Jubilate Deo
New Year carol
Rejoice in the Lamb
The Ballad of Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard
The Company of Heaven
The evening primrose
Winter Words
BruchAve Maria (attributed)
Bruckner, AntonAve Maria
Christus factus est
Ecce Sacerdos
Locus iste
Mass in E Minor
Os justi
PrÀludium in C
Tota pulchra es Maria
Virga Jesse floruit
Butterworth, GeorgeOn Christmas Night
Byrd, William (1543–1623)Ecce Virgo Concipiet
Hodie Christus natus est
Justorum Animae
Mass for 4 voices
Mass for 5 voices
O Magnum Mysterium
Sing joyfully unto God
The maidens songe
Campion, ThomasNever weather beaten sail
CarissimiBeatus Vir
Carter, AndrewTwo for the price of one (arr.)
CashmoreO waly waly (arr)
Catalan carol (trad.)What shall we give?
Cavalli, Pier FrancescoCantate Domino et exultate
CharpentierMesse de Minuit
Midnight mass for Christmas Eve
Chilcott, BobFragments from his dish
Jingle Bells (arr.)
Pange Lingua (World & Paris premiere October 2002)
Still, still, still (arr.)
Sussex Carol (arr.)
The Lily and the Rose
The Shepherd’s carol
The time of snow
The rose in the middle of winter
The Twelve Days of Christmas (arr. English trad.)
Clark, RebeccaThree Partsongs
Clausen, René Sweet was the song
Cooper, David A.Dormi Jesu
CoomanAdam Lay Ybounden
CoplandI bought me a cat
Cornelius, PeterDie drei FrĂŒhlingstage
The three Kings
Croce, GiovaniO sacrum convivium
CroftGod is gone up
Darke, HaroldIn the bleak midwinter
DaviesHoy Calendar
Lullabye for Lucy
DebussyLe tambourin
Trois chanson de Charles d’Orleans
DeeringJesu Dulcis memoria
Donato, BaldassareChi la Gagliarda, Donne, vo’ Imparare?
Hei Mihi! Domine
Douglas, BillThe voices of children
Dove, JonathanEcce Beatem Lucem
Passing of the Year
Seek him that maketh the seven stars
The three Kings
Dowland, JohnHis golden locks time hath to silver turn’d
DunhillHow soft, upon the ev’ning air
Duruflé, MauriceRequiem
Quatre motets sur des thÚmes Grégoriens
Dvorak, AntonĂ­nSongs of Nature
DysonMagnificat & Nunc Dimittis
EastHence stars, too dim of light
Edmund-Jones, NigelAs with gladness men of old (arr.)
EdwardsNo Small Wonder
Elgar, Sir EdwardFrom the Bavarian Highlands
Great is the Lord
Light of the World
Light out of darkness
They are at rest
Ellington, DukeI’m beginning to see the light (arr. Rice, Berty)
Emery, MichaelStille Nacht (arr.)
Fauré, GabrielCantique de Jean Racine
In Paradisum
Tantum Ergo op. 55
Finzi, Gerald
In Terra Pax
My lovely one
My spirit sang all day
Flanders, Michael Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo (and Horovitz, Joseph)
Frances-Hoad, CherylGood day, Sir Christemas
Franck, CĂ©sar (1822–90)Cantabile, no. 2 of Troi piĂšces pour grand orgue
Frank, Tobias ALes anges dans nos campagnes (Angels from the Realms of Glory) (arr.)
Gabrieli, AndreaJubilate Deo a 8
La battaglia
Magnificat (Ă  12)
Maria stabat as monumentum
Quem vidistis pastores
Gabrieli, GiovanniO magnum mysterium
O Jesu mi dulcissime
Deus qui beatem Marcum
Gardner, JohnTomorrow shall be my dancing day
Gibbons, OrlandoSee, see the Word
The Silver Swan
GoldschmidtA Tender Shoot
Goss, JohnSee Amid the winter’s snow (arr. David Willcocks)
GraingerSix Dukes went a-fishing
I’m seventeen come Sunday
GreavesCome away sweet love
Greene, MauriceLord, let me know mine end
Gritton, PeterFollow that star
Have yourself a merry little Christmas (arr.)
Mary’s Boy Child (arr.)
Gruber, FranzSilent Night (arr. Bob Chilcott)
Guerrero, FranciscoNiño Dios d’amor herido
HadleyI sing of a maiden
Hammond, ThomasSweet was the song the Virgine song (Anon, are Hammond)
Handel, G. F.As pants the hart
Dixit Dominus
I will magnify thee
Let God Arise
The King shall rejoice
Zadok the Priest
Harper, CeliaMass for Childermas Day (a special commission by the Parochial Church Council, The Church of the Holy Innocents)
Harrison, GeorgeHere comes the sun (arr. Bannan, Richard)
HarwoodO how glorious is the Kingdom
Hayden, MichaelViderunt Omnes
Haydn, Franz JosephBetrachtung des Todes
Die Beredsamkeit
Missa in Angustiis (Nelson Mass)
Missa Sancti Nicholai
Nelson Mass
Stabat Mater
Te Deum
Head, MichaelThe little road to Bethlehem
Hensel, FannyThree Gartenlieder
Higgins, MichaelAway in a Manger (arr. American trad.)
Holst, GustavBring us in Good Ale
Four Carols, Op. 34 
Choral Hymns from Rig Veda Set 3
Choral Song
Christmas Day
In the Bleak Midwinter (arr. Richard Bannan)
Light leaves whisper
Nunc Dimittis
This have I done for my true love
Horovitz, JosephCaptain Noah and his Floating Zoo (and Flanders, Michael)
Howells, HubertA spotless rose
Collegium Regale Communion Service
Here is the little door
O pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
Sing Lullaby
Ireland, JohnGreater love hath no man
Man in his labour rejoiceth
The Hills
Jackson, GabrielTo morning
JanáčekOtčenás (Our Father)
KellyA round of carols
Magnificat in C
KodĂĄly, ZoltĂĄnEsti Dal
Matra pictures
The bachelor
LanglaisMesse Solennelle
Lassus, Orlando deChi chi li chi
Lauridsen, MortenO Magnum Mysterium
Ubi Caritas et Amor
Leanderson-Andreas, AntonCoffee time
Leighton, KennethCrucifixus pro nobis
Let all the world in every corner sing
Of a rose is all my song
O leave your sheep
Lennon and McCartneyA Hard Day’s Night
LeunerThe Shepherds’ Cradle Song
LisztAve Verum
LlewellynLondon Waits
LottiCrucifixus in 8 parts
Madrigalsby Farmer, Greaves, Gibbons, Morley, Vautor and others
McDowall, CeciliaA Winter’s Night
Christus Natus Est 
Gaude et Laetare
Salva me, Jesu
MacMillanTremunt videntes angeli
MÀntyjÀrvi, JaakkoThree Shakespeare Songs
Mason, LowellJoy to the world (arr. John Rutter)
Mathias, WilliamA babe is born
Shakespeare Songs
McDowall, CeceliaA Heavenly Song
Gaude et Laetare
Mendelssohn, FelixAve Maria
Lasset uns frohlocken
Lauda Sion
Merulo, ClaudioAdoramus te
MessiaenO sacrum convivium
Minchin, TimMatilda Medlam (arr. Richard Bannan)
MiĆĄkinisAngelis suis Deus
MoeranThe sailor and young Nancy
Monteverdi, ClaudioAdoramus te, Christe
Beatus Vir
Cantate Domino & other motets
Exulta Filia Sion
Laudate Dominum
Vespers of 1610
Mozart, W. A.Laudate Dominum
Missa Brevis
Solemn Vespers (K339)
Naylor, EdwardVox Dicentis: Clama
Norqvist, GustafSaviour, prize of the world
MozartMissa Brevis in B KV 275 (272b)
Vesperae solennes de Confessore (KV 339)
Palestrina, G. P. daMagnificat Primi Toni
Stabat Mater (arr. Wagner)
Surge, Illuminare, Jerusalem
Vox Dilecti Mei
Parry, C. Hubert H.
Blessed pair of sirens
Crabbed age and youth
In praise of song
I was glad
Music, when soft voices
My soul, there is a country
Never weather-beaten sail
O mistress mine
Songs of Farewell
   i) My Soul, there is a country
   ii) I know my soul hath power to know all things
   iii) Never weather-beaten sail
   iv) There is an old belief
   v) At the round earth’s imagined corners
Welcome Yule!
Parsons, RobertAve Maria
PĂ€rt, ArvoMagnificat
Which was the Son of….
Pearsall, Robert Lucas deLay a garland
Light of my Soul
Perinpanayagam, YshaniIn Bethlehem Above
Piae CantionesGaudate
Of the Father’s heart begotton
Unto us is born a son (arr. Willcocks)
PiazollaVerano Porteno
Pierpont, J.Jingle Bells (arr. Willcocks, Sir David)
Poston, ElizabethJesus Christ the apple tree
The Boar’s Head Carol
PoulencHodie Christus natus est
Quatre Motets pour le temps de Noël
Laudes de Saint Antoine de Padoue
Litanies a la vierge noire
Praetorius, HIn dulci jubilo
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland
Quem pastores laudavere
Praetorius, MichaelNun komm, der Heiden Heiland
Puer natus in Bethlehem
Purcell, HenryAwake and with attention hear
Dido and Æneas
Hear my prayer
Evening Service in G minor
I was glad
Jehovah, quam multi sunt hostes mei
My beloved spake
My Dearest, my Fairest
My heart is inditing
O God, Thou art my God
O sing unto the Lord
Rejoice in the Lord alway
Remember not, Lord, our offences
Thou knowest Lord
Pygott, RichardQuid petis, O Fili?
Quartel, SarahA Winter Day
Quilter, RogerThree Shakespeare Songs
Seven Elizabethan Lyrics
RachmaninoffAll Night Vigil (Vespers)
Reger, MaxMaria Wiegenlied
Rheinberger, JosephAbendlied
RiccieriSalve Regina
Rice, BertyAuld Lang Syne (arr. trad.)
Roberts, KeithDeck the Halls (arr. Welsh trad.)
Roe, BettyThe Holly and the Ivy
The Oxen
RossiniO salutaris hostia
Petite Messe Solennelle
RubbraHymn to the Virgin
Runswick, DarylA Gospel Christmas
Rutter, JohnCarol of the Magi
Hymn to the Creator of Light
I saw three ships (arr.)
Nativity Carol
O be joyful in the Lord
O Tannenbaum (arr. German trad.)
Sans day carol
Shepherd’s Pipe Carol
The British Grenadiers
The King of Blis
The Lord bless you and keep you
There is a flower
The twelve days of Christmas (arr.)
This is the day
Wexford carol (arr.)
What sweeter music
RuttiI wonder as I wander
Saint-SaënsChristmas Oratorio
Ave Maria
Sametz, StevenGaudete
Samuel, RhianDear Night
Sandström, JanEs ist en Ros entsprungen
SargentMary had a baby (arr.)
Scheidt, SamuelNu komm der Heyden Heyland
Schubert, FranzDas Grab
Die Nacht
Der Tanz
Mass in G
Psalm 23
Schumann, ClaraDrei Gemischte Chöre
SchĂŒtz, HeinrichSelig sint die Toten
Shearing, GeorgeMusic to hear
SmithPreces and Responses
SnowdonBonny at noon (arr.)
Spohr, LouisBlest are the departed
God so loved the world
Stanford, C. V.Justorum animae
Beati quorum via
Blue Bird
Gloria in Excelsis
Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis
Magnificat in B♭ for Double Choir
The Bluebird
The Swallow
What the Bee is to the Flow’ret
StopfordLully, Lulla, Lullay
Sullivan, Sir ArthurO hush thee my babie
The last night of the year
The long day closes
Sweelinck, Jan PieterszoonHodie Christus natus est
TakemitsuSakura (Cherry Blossoms)
Tallis, ThomasAudivi vocem de caelo
Blessed are those that be undefiled (performed by The Marian Consort)
Euge caeli porta (performed by The Marian Consort)
Gaude gloriosa Dei Mater (performed with The Marian Consort)
Gloria from Mass for four voices
God grant we grace
Hear the voice and prayer
If ye love me
In ieiunio et fletu
Jesu salvator saeculi
Loquebantur variis linguis
Magnificat from the short ‘Dorian’ Service
Miserere nostri Domine (performed with The Marian Consort)
O nata lux
O sacrum convivium
Sancte Deus
Suscipe quaeso Domine (performed by The Marian Consort)
Te lucis ante terminum
Videte Miraculum (performed by The Marian Consort)
Tavener, JohnAnnunciation
Funeral ikos
God is with us
Hymn to the mother of God
Song for Athene
The Lamb
TegnérLord, when you come to earth
Thompson, RandallGlory to God
TippettFive Negro Spirituals from A Child of Our Time
Todd, WillAngel Song II
My Lord has Come
Tomkins, Thomas (1572–1656)My Beloved Spake unto Me
Come Shepherds, sing with me
Trad. EnglishGloucester Wassail
Unto us is born a Son
Vaughan Williams, RalphFantasia on Christmas Carols
Four English Folk Songs
Mass in G minor
Part songs
Silence and Music
The Turtle Dove
Three Shakespeare Songs
Valiant for Truth
Wassail Song (arr. English trad.)
Vautor, ThomasSweet Suffolk owl
Victoria, Tomas Luis de Agnus Dei
O Magnum Mysterium
VilletteHymne a la vierge
VivaldiLargo and Allegro from Sonata No. 5 in E Minor
WaltherJoseph, Lieber, Joseph Mein
Walton, WilliamA Litanie – Drop, drop, slow tears
All this time
Coronation Te Deum
Set me as a Seal
Warlock, PeterAdam lay ybounden
Bethlehem Down
Warrell, ArthurWe wish you a merry Christmas (arr.)
Weelkes, ThomasHosanna to the son of David
Sing we at pleasure
Weir, Judith
(b. 1954)
Illuminare Jerusalem
The Song Sung True
Wells, AndrewGlad Christmas Comes
Whitacre, EricA boy and a girl
Animal crackers (Panther, Cow, Canary, Firefly, Eel, Kangaroo)
I thank You God for most this amazing day
Lux Aurumque
Whitbourn, JamesThe twenty eight-times Words from Ecclesiastes 3
Whitlock, Percy (1903–46)Folk tune
Whitehead, WilliamWassail Song (arr. English trad.)
Willbert, MarkDing Dong! Merrily on High (arr.)
Willcocks, Sir DavidDing! Dong! Merrily on High (arr.)
O come, o come Emmanuel (arr.)
Quelle est cette odeur agréable?
Resonemus laudibus
Sussex carol (arr.)
The Infant King (arr.)
Wise, MichaelPrepare ye the way of the Lord
Wood, CharlesHail! Gladdening Light
O thou the central orb